

How does cryptocurrency arbitrage work? Training and connections in 2024

Cryptocurrency arbitrage is a trading strategy in which an investor makes a profit due to the difference in the price of digital assets on different markets and exchanges. The simplest arbitration process is as follows. A trader buys tokens on one platform and then almost immediately sells them on another, more expensive platform. It is worth noting that earnings in this way are practically risk-free.

Another big advantage of arbitrage is that the trader does not need to be a professional investor or buy expensive equipment. This article talks about this method of trading, as well as effective methods and connections.

Dash2Trade is another way to make money on cryptocurrencies in 2024.

The Dash 2 Trade pre-sale ended in 2023 and raised over $13 million. This result can be considered successful, since the project attracted a large number of investors even in difficult conditions caused by the bear market.

Dash 2 Trade (D2T) is a trading and signal analysis platform launched by Kpax on a number of exchanges such as FTX. Traders looking to invest in the WebZ project were required to conduct deeper research into their holdings. Not only is this time-consuming, but it can also lead to missed investment opportunities. With the growing need for due diligence, Dash 2 Trade has the opportunity to become a popular platform in the cryptocurrency market.

Earlier this year, in January, the developers released a beta version of the panel. The first section presented to users is basic metrics and pre-sales data.

Information on new projects covers token economics, funding, social sentiment, smart contract auditing, KYC availability, etc. As a result, market participants can invest in alternative coins at an early stage and profit from long-term investments.

The full range of platform features includes backtesting, automated trading API, social trading, trading competitions, signals and indicators. All this will allow investors to gain a deeper understanding of the Web3 space. In the future, there may be tools for arbitrage trading of cryptocurrencies.

Dash 2 Trade works on a subscription basis, but there is also a free version. However, only the premium version provides full access to the platform’s features. D2T project coins are listed on several centralized and decentralized exchanges, including Gate.io, BitMart, LBank, HitBTC, Changellu PRO and Uniswap. 

Dashboard Features:


Created in partnership with Learn 2 Trade, which has a community of over 70,000 traders.


Thanks to the pre-sale rating system, investors are protected from fraudulent projects.


Dash 2 Trade users can participate in trading competitions and earn crypto bonuses.

Cryptocurrency arbitrage - training and job search.

Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in Profits Every Year Experts believe there may be something lurking in the Bitcoin market: Exchanges often list the digital currency with significant differences in value, according to a study published in the Financial Analysts Journal (FAJ). with a significant difference in cost. This difference allows traders to buy assets on exchanges with lower prices and sell them on exchanges with higher prices.

This means investors can make immediate profits without incurring high risk. This trading technique, known as cryptocurrency arbitrage, is widespread in large markets and is a common practice for many financial institutions: in 2017, the FAJ estimated that the potential profit from arbitrage in the Bitcoin market was $377 million.

Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in Profits Every Year Experts believe there may be something lurking in the Bitcoin market: Exchanges often list the digital currency with significant differences in value, according to a study published in the Financial Analysts Journal (FAJ). with a significant difference in cost. This difference allows traders to buy assets on exchanges with lower prices and sell them on exchanges with higher prices.

This means investors can make immediate profits without incurring high risk. This trading technique, known as cryptocurrency arbitrage, is widespread in large markets and is a common practice for many financial institutions: in 2017, the FAJ estimated that the potential profit from arbitrage in the Bitcoin market was $377 million.

But why can the same asset have different prices on the stock exchange? First, it is important to know that the price of coins on centralized platforms depends on the latest buy and sell orders. This means that the last price at which a trader buys or sells a digital asset on an exchange is considered the current price and is displayed in real time. Since investor demand for tokens on each trading platform varies slightly, the price also tends to change.

Decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges use various methods to determine the value of coins. These are called automated market maker systems and rely directly on arbitrage traders. Their trades align the price with the price displayed on other exchanges. In short, DEXs rely on liquidity pools.

Let’s look at a specific example of how cryptocurrency arbitrage works. According to current data, the BTC/USDT pair on the YoBit exchange is valued at $52,001, while on the Bitstamp platform the same pair reached $52,701. In this case, the trader notices the difference and buys Bitcoin on YoBit, and then sells it on Bitstamp, receiving so $700 difference. This is a classic example of crypto arbitrage.

However, traders do not have to manually search for pairs, as there are algorithmic trading bots that can do this much faster. Stack arbitrage in the cryptocurrency industry is a trading strategy through which investors study the differences in prices of the same coin on different exchanges. There are several types of bots that look for good deals.

• Inter-exchange arbitrage focuses on trades in which assets are bought on one exchange and sold on another, while intra-exchange arbitrage looks for favorable spreads within one exchange.
• Different trading pairs have different prices on the same platform and may change over time.
• Triangular arbitrage involves trading between three different exchanges, which requires monitoring prices and reacting quickly to opportunities.
• Decentralized uses smart contracts and automated processes to explore batch arbitrage on DEX exchanges.
• Statistics typically uses statistical models and trading strategies to quickly buy and sell automated cryptocurrencies.
• Signals: Some bots provide traders with signals about possible arbitrage opportunities based on market analysis and price movements.

Bots are usually separate programs or installed on cryptocurrency arbitrage scanners. Such applications help traders automate the process. For example, novice traders can use the following five scanners

The ArbitrageScanner

The ArbitrageScanner portal covers both centralized and decentralized exchanges (more than 70 in total). The program detects price differences and warns users that tokens on the Arbitrum network, for example, are cheaper than Optimism.


Coinrule is an automated trading platform that allows traders to create and copy various strategies. The application is simple in design, but has a large number of tools for creating trading robots, which is especially useful for inexperienced investors.


CryptoHopper uses artificial intelligence algorithms to develop trading robots that automate cryptocurrency arbitrage trading. No programming knowledge is required to use CryptoHopper. Offers default strategies and strategies that can be manually configured.


HaasOnline is a general automation tool for cryptocurrency trading. It has an intuitive bot generator, so it does not require any programming knowledge. Traders can monitor predefined signals, customize channels with robust filters, and create their own algorithms.

Crypto arbitrage via P2P

Crypto arbitrage via P2P. The system works by allowing traders to trade with each other on their own terms, giving investors the ability to set the final price.

The most common platform used by most traders for P2P arbitrage trading is the Binance exchange. The trading process on this platform is very simple. Once a user decides to buy cryptocurrency, Binance P2P acts as an intermediary, holding the funds until the transaction is completed and monitoring the payment. The buyer then transfers funds to the seller using one of the provided payment methods. Once the transaction is completed, the buyer notifies the seller through the platform and waits for the funds to be credited to their account.

Depending on the exchange used, traders have many options for trading on a P2P platform.

• Take Binance, for example, which uses an internal arbitrage model. In this model, investors take advantage of the spread between the payment method and the price of the corresponding cryptocurrency. They buy from a seller at a lower price and sell to another buyer at a higher price. All this happens within the platform, which avoids the risk and additional costs of transferring funds between the exchange and Binance P2P.

• Traders search for tokens at a lower price on the Binance spot market and then sell them at a higher price on Binance P2P. It is important to set price limits on the spot market and check the compatibility of currencies on both platforms.

• The methodology is the same as in the previous section, but keep in mind that different platforms charge different fees and there may be costs and delays when transferring funds between exchanges.

In this case, traders can make several trading cycles to make a profit. Cryptocurrencies can be purchased through a variety of methods, including bank transfers, bank cards, cryptocurrency ATMs, and online payment platforms. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages in terms of cost, speed and convenience.

To achieve better results, you can take training in cryptocurrency arbitrage. In this regard, there are many paid and free courses on the market today, ranging from Udemy to schools specializing in cryptocurrency trading. There are also many blogs where experienced traders share their observations and strategies. Useful information channels can be found on Telegram, such as P2Pexperty and Spread Maker.

It is worth adding that arbitrage trading is legal in Russia, but it is necessary to comply with the rules that apply to cryptocurrency transactions in general. First of all, profits from such transactions must be taxed. If large sums are transferred to personal accounts, the tax authorities may have questions, and the owner may have problems, including freezing of bank cards. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the tax rate is currently 13 percent.

Therefore, as with any transaction, it is necessary to prove the legality of the funds. Therefore, buying and selling cryptocurrencies on various exchanges is not illegal as long as the trader follows the rules.”

Is crypto arbitrage worth the effort in 2024?

YouHodler CEO believes that in 2024 there will still be plenty of arbitrage opportunities in the blockchain industry. In his opinion, this is due to the fact that the cryptocurrency market is “maturing” at this stage. This means that at this stage, regulators are trying to learn more about digital currencies and develop mechanisms to maintain a healthy and sustainable market.

However, as the number of exchanges increases and market liquidity increases, arbitrage becomes more complex. This also influences how difficult it is to find spreads today. Those who want to learn how to make money from cryptocurrency arbitrage must first learn to understand the digital currency industry itself.

When considering this method of earning money on tokens, you need to consider several points:

• Volatility. The price of an asset must rise and fall for bidders to profit from the trade.

• Profitability may be affected by transaction costs such as commissions and spreads.

• Speed of decision making. The ha market must have sufficient liquidity to allow traders to buy and sell without significantly affecting the price of cryptocurrency arbitrage. Without sufficient liquidity, investors will not be able to trade at their desired price.

• It is important to remember that the digital currency industry is decentralized. This means that the value of the asset does not depend on external factors, but is determined solely by the supply and demand of tokens.

• Cryptocurrency arbitrage is still trading, which means it carries the same risks as any other trading strategy. These include trade blocs and significant changes in the value of a country’s currency.


In conclusion, we would like to reiterate that cryptocurrency arbitrage is an investment strategy that can bring profits in no time. Arbitrage opportunities arise because cryptocurrencies are volatile, meaning asset values do not always accurately reflect reality.

However, it is worth remembering that arbitrage is not an activity for the faint of heart or for beginners. Before embarking on such operations, it is important to first learn as much as possible about such trading.

All information published on this site is for informational purposes only and is based on the principles of completeness and objectivity. The reader assumes full responsibility for any actions taken based on the information posted on this site. This promotional article does not constitute investment advice.